Monday 5 September 2011

the Parker's'

there're these two Parker's', my hero's'.

Peter Parker
yes, I know, there's no need of any sorta introduction here, for my our super hero.

actually just the envious about this kiss. :P

maybe I should give it a try doing a fake spiderman-upside-down-kiss like this.
first, find my Mary Jane.

no, of course without that mask. haha.


Scott Parker
England international, footballer, who... just transferred to Tottenham Hotspurs yoo!!

his passing, and calmness of all.

a body like this would look perfect... on me. haha. wtf.

and, this is the end of MY Parker's'. 

honestly, don't they look alike to me haha joking?

owh, and also meet the Foster's' too.
great indie pop rock band.


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