Tuesday 23 March 2010

Granny's 80

Thank God that I was able to join granny's birthday celebration this year! Did realized later that her birthday falls on Mac when I'll most probably have my spring holiday. =)

As a tradition, we celebrate with family members or together with friends alternatively. This year was just a small once with my relatives. Despite just a number of us turned out, it was yet a fun and enjoyable gathering-like celebration. Besides that, instead of the 'boring' type course dinner we always had, STEAMBOAT was it this year!! Ok, I admit. I didn't really enjoy it. Neither did my sisters. Lol.

Mum and dad busy filling it up.

My lil cousin & I.
We do look alike don't we. Just if my hair stays short. Haha.


Nearly 2 hours in that HOT air-conditioner-ed restaurant. @#%!#&* !!
May god bless you always.

After that, we dropped by the new wed cousin's house. Comfortable & COOLING man. Lol

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